Well Bean- We have had an active few months. Well, you have been active that is for sure! You made me so tired the first few months. I would wake up at 10:00 a.m. go to work for 2 hours, go home and take a nap at lunch at 12:00 noon and barely make to 4:00 before I took another nap. I was exhausted. You really didn't make me throw up too much. Just about three times I think which isn't so bad compared to the horror stories I have heard.
Today we went for your second sonogram which was at 12 weeks. I should say here that there is some discrepency on when your due date is. The Lewisburg hospital said your due date was September 12th. Your dad and I think your due date is September 8th based on our own calculations. The doctor thinks it is September 15th. Today they said it would be September 8th but that they were going to stick with the original date of September 15th. Who knows but you?
Well, they were trying to measure something on the back of your neck for a test but you didn't sit still at all. You were flipping around and waving at us. You didn't want to cooperate. Kind of like your dad already! I gave your dad a lecture about asking silly questions to the technician. I asked him not to ask the maker of the sonogram equipment this time! He did really good though. Until we asked if they could see your gender. He asked the technician if she could count your ribs to see if you were a boy or a girl. I was a little embarassed but he was sincere. He really loves you!
Your heartbeat was 163 which I thought was pretty fast and an indication that you may be female. Your dad and I are hoping for a girl. If you are a girl we are going to name you Riley McKay after your Mawmaw Betty. We will love you regardless and are excited regardless, I should say now. I don't want you to think we don't want a boy! We want you, whoever you may be.
Daddy ended up taking the day off from work today. Oh yeah, I should say before the sonogram, we went in for the genetic counseling. That was fun. With so many cousins and relatives it took quite some time to sort things out. We think the odds are in your favor of being pretty healthy.
Well, we had an appointment scheduled this weekend in Lancaster to do something called a nub scan to see if you had a boy nub. We decided to cancel because I am going to be busy this weekend for work. We have decided instead to have it done when we go home for easter so that everyone can join us. We love you bean!