Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby Nicholas at 6 Weeks

Well, this is the first entry. I have been keeping these in a book but will publish them online now so that our family and friends back in Louisiana can follow what is going on.

We went to the Doctor today. The nurse gave us a test and confirmed that I am indeed pregnant. They asked me so many questions. I tried to keep up. They gave me a bunch of information and I had no idea how much I didn't know about being pregnant. I guess since this is the beginning, I should go back and tell you how we found out.

Daddy and I got married on October 31st. Yeah, I know it is halloween (thats another long story in itself that I am sure you will hear over and over again). When I went to the doctor before we got married, the doctor told me that it would be really hard to get pregnant. So daddy and I didn't worry about it. We figured when you were ready, you would come. About 8 weeks after we got married, daddy and I woke up early one Sunday Morning. (January 4, 2009). I told daddy that I felt weird and that someone who usually visits was late. We had a pregnancy test already from the month before so I took it. Daddy and I stood in the bathroom. He kept looking at the test. I didn't want to look. Finally he shouted, I see two lines (that means that you were in mommy's tummy already). I said, no way. The dr said it would take years if ever. He said, I promise you. I looked and there were two faint lines on the test. I told daddy that I didn't believe it. I quickly got dressed and went to CVS Pharmacy. I spent 60.00 on 4 more tests and a bottle of prenatal vitamins just in case.

We came back and we took all 4 tests. They all came back positive. Daddy was sooooooo excited. He wanted to call everyone right away. I didn't want to. I was excited but I wanted to wait to make sure the doctor said everything was going to be ok. We first called Kas but she didn't answer. So then we called Katie. We figured Katie would be a good "test" call to see how everyone else would react. Katie was soooo excited. She encouraged us to tell everyone else. The next call we made was to Meymey. I made daddy call her while I listened because I wasn't sure how she would react. She was very very excited. She put pumba on the phone and we told him too. Uncle Eric and Pumba were working on the 8-wheeler-(Pretty typical for them). We then called your Mawmaw Sissy. She was sooo excited we made sure she was sitting down. She insisted we do the spoon and fork test right then and so we did. It said you were going to be a boy. I didn't believe in the old wives tell but I didnt' tell your mawmaw that. We called everyone else that day too. Your Aunt Kelley and Aunt Kasi were the most excited I think. Aunt Kasi said she already knew. Aunt Kelley started telling me advice right away. After that, me and daddy just sat on the couch and tried to take it all in. We were so excited.

So I guess that brings me back to today. When I was leaving the doctors office, the doctor ordered our first sonogram. We were going to schedule it at Geisinger (Where you will be born) but they didn't have an appointment for another month and I really couldn't wait one second longer to see you. When I got home, I called all the local hospitals and sonogram places till we found one that would see us in Lewisburg that day. Even better is that they could schedule it at 7:00 so daddy could make it too.

Daddy and I met at Lewisburg hospital for the appointment that same very night. I was so nervous and daddy was too. We went into the sonogram room. The nurse gave me a gown to put on. I went into the bathroom to change and I could over hear your daddy's nervousness. He was making small talk with the technician. He even asked her who made the sonogram equipment. I rolled my eyes. That is typical daddy. I think he was just nervous waiting on me to get out of there. I got the gown on and walked back out into the room.

And then it happened!
I laid up on the table and she found you on the screen. A little tiny bean. I looked at daddy and we were both like "Thats it!" Not that you weren't already gourgeous but we were thinking you would be bigger and more life like! Then she said, listen. And then daddy and I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. It was your heartbeat. I couldn't believe it. From that moment on, you were loved! That is all I could think about! Right then, I made a commitment to you, that I would do everything I could to take care of you.

Daddy and I celebrated by eating dinner out at Ruby Tuesday's that night. Daddy was real tired the next morning but he made it back to work. We already love you our bean.

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