Well my little man. I can't call you bean or little man anymore. We went back to Dr. Smith and he said that you weigh 7lbs 12 oz already! You have doubled at the last three appointments. I can't believe how fast you are growing! I am praying you don't weight 12-15lbs! like they are somewhat projecting. Daddy couldn't go with me today but he is so proud of you. I took a picture of your sonogram picture and sent it to everyone. She actually got a pretty decent 4d picture of you. Your cheeks are sooooooooo fat! You are soooo cute. I can't believe how handsome you are. Today, I fell in love all over again. Seeing your little face has renewed my spirit and will be enough to get me through the next three months. Everything else is going good other than my legs are swelling a whole bunch. They are working to monitor it. I am praying your growth slows down by the next sonogram. Daddy will be back by then hopefully. He is working in Oregon right now.
We love you and can't wait to see you!
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