Last Monday, we drove to Panama City to visit your daddy. He has been working hard and misses us a bunch!
This was my first car ride with you. It was a rough trip!
You cried alot when you got hungry. I pulled over at a Subway and fed you lunch and got myself a sandwich. We had to stop a second time to feed you supper. We finally made it to see your dad 9 hours later! It was crazy!
Your daddy took us out to eat and we sat and snuggled with him.
On Tuesday, we went shopping and got some things to fix up the camper so that it is accessible for you. Your daddy loves you so much. He didn't like you keeping him up at night though. It was hard for him to get rested for work with us there but he acted like a trooper!
On Wednesday, we took you out to the beach for the first time. We had your car seat next to the ocean while me and daddy were swimming. (Not very far out, maybe 10 feet). I told Daddy to come and swim by me to see a shell. When he got close he told me "DON'T MOVE" and of course I took off running. Daddy said that I had a big sting ray near my feet. I am soooooooo glad I didn't get stung!
On Saturday, I took you to visit my friend Faye and her husband that lived near where daddy was working. We visited for a few hours. She thought you were the cutest thing!
On Sunday, we went to a different part of Florida to visit your Pawpaw Douglas and your Mawmaw Janet. They thought you were sooooooooo cute! Pawpaw kept trying to dip your binky in the sugar bowl.
We had a great week with dad!
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