We are finally going home! It has been a longggg week!
This morning, they came in and checked your bilirubin levels. They said that you could come home as long as you stay on a bili blanket. The doctors called around and found you one and the medical supply place brought it to the hospital for me. I put you in your going home outfit. You look beautiful in it!
They took your pictures for the website. They then took you to the back and took your pictures to get them printed. They didn't come out very good but we ordered them anyway.
I am sooooooooo excited to be leaving the hospital.
On the way home, we stopped by Baby Depot and your daddy went in to buy a breastpump for you. This way I could continue to feed you since you won't latch on! You like to eat though.
Once we got you home, I was finally able to get a bath and get normal clothes on! It feels so good to be home as a family!
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