So about 1:00 this morning, I was 10 cenimeters dialated. Three nurses and two doctors came in. They also had a few doctors from the NICU team because of your size and because I had gestational diabetes.
Kas tried to leave but Daddy wouldn't let her. Daddy was having a hard time dealing with my pain. A couple of nurses were holding my legs while daddy was holding my head helping me push. Kas was on the side taking pictures and singing songs to motivate me (I couldn't make this stuff up). She was singing songs like Eye of the Tiger.
I pushed and pushed and you weren't coming. They got a bar and put it across the bed to help me push you out. You weren't budging and it hurt soooo bad. We did this for almost three hours! I had a few good pushes but you weren't moving like you needed to be. At about 4:00 a.m., they decided that they were going to do an emergency c-section to get you out. I have never been so relieved in all my life.
One thing I didn't realize is that you can't drink anything when you are in labor. I was soooooooooo thirsty and all I could have was ice chips. Daddy did a good job at keeping the cup filled. Once they decided to do a c-section, I couldn't have ice any more. I was still soooooo thirsty.
They upped the pain medicine in my iv to get ready for the c-section. It felt ALOT better while they prepared the room for me to have a c-section.
I should mention how nervous everyone was. Daddy was keeping everyone updated all night long. After the fact, meymey and Aunt Kelley said that he wasn't making much sense at all. He was so nervous and tired and couldn't take me being in pain!
They came and wheeled me into the operating room. They told daddy to stay out until they were done getting me ready. They gave your daddy a gown and a hat and some shoes.
Once we were in the operating room, they gave me another type of epidural. They put a sheet between my neck and my chest so that I couldn't see anything. They also put some tape on my belly. Once they were ready, they asked me if I could feel anything and I couldn't.
They went and got your daddy. He sat on a stool next to me and held my hand. He also had the camera and took a few pictures. They started the surgery.
I felt a bunch of tugging and pulling but it was NOTHING compared to the contractions. After about 3 minutes I heard, Oh my gosh! No wonder he wouldn't come out, he looks like a 6 month old!"
I heard one itty bitty cry and then I didn't hear anything. They lifted you up and brought you over to the NICU doctors while daddy stood near your side. I couldn't see you because they were working on you. Then you started SCREAMING and I felt so relieved. They cleaned you up very good and took your blood sugar. While they were working on me, I sat and listened to you cry and watched your daddy run around taking pictures. Then the doctor held you up so that I could see you.
They wheeled you to my room and I came in shortly after you.
When I went in the room, they said your blood sugar had dropped to 25 which is VERY low. They gave your daddy a bottle of formula and he fed you trying to get your sugar up. I got to see you but I still couldn't hold you. I was shaking so bad from the anesthesia that I was scared I was going to drop you. Daddy held you up so that I could kiss you though. I loved you SOOOOOOOOO much!
The pediatrician came in and examined you. He said that you would have to go to the NICU until your sugar stabelized. They took you out of the room. Daddy and Kas and I were all so tired from the night before. Daddy and Kas went back to campus to get some rest and so that I could get some rest. I was too excited to sleep though. I called everyone I knew and told them that I was doing good and told them how beautiful you were.
About 1:00 that day, I asked the nurse to take me to the NICU so that I could see you. It was a little discerning at first seeing you like that. When I first saw you, you had an IV in your head that they were giving you a sugar solution to keep your sugar up. You had a tube in your nose to help empty your stomach because you were throwing up. You also had tons of monitors and things on you. Even with all that, they still let me hold you.
Daddy came back that night to see you. We went and held you until they had a nurses meeting and we had to leave. Daddy helped me along with the nurse to go back to my room. There were more nurses there that helped me get up to walk and change clothes and clean up a bit.
I can't believe you are here! I can't believe you weighed 10lbs 2 oz and 22 and 1/2 inches long and premature! You are my world! I love you so much and I will do anything to take care of you. I hope you get better soon so that you can come and stay with me in my room!
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