Well, this morning I woke up and I have been in the hospital for five days now. I have not enjoyed my stay much. It's not that the nurses and doctors aren't nice, because they are! They have taken great care of me. It has just been very very boring. I finally have resolved myself to the fact that I will be here until Tuesday when you are coming.
Right as I had that thought, I went to the bathroom. I was going to take a shower. I stood up and water fell on the floor, so I sat back down and it stopped. So I stood up again and ALOT of water fell out. My water had broken and your daddy was not there! Everything went in fast forward!
I pushed the emergency button in the bathroom and 4 nurses came in. I told them I thought my water had broke and they said "YES it definately broke."
They gave me a gown and a big sheet to stop the water. They grabbed all my suitcases and bags and moved them to another room (Room 14). I was now in a private room.
Soon as I got settled they put a monitor on me. I called your daddy.
Daddy answered the phone and he was shaving. I said, honey, get down here, my water just broke. When I said that, Daddy cut his nose shaving.
He said he was on his way!
I text Kas and told her "It was time, my water broke". She said she would be right there.
About an hour later, Daddy and Kas came to my room. I was in a little bit of pain but not too much. The nurses were very nice and helped me a bunch.
Kas and Daddy kept going to the community fridge, getting drinks and snacks. Then they played chess on the computer.
At about 3:00, I was in ALOT of pain. I told Daddy to do something so he went and got the nurse.
I told the nurse that I needed something for pain. Then she called the anesthesiologist. He came in and said it would take a bit to get it right because I was so swollen. Daddy and Kas left the room and a nurse named Katie stayed with me. He tried to get the needle in and I jumped. It wasn't in the right spot apparantly. Then he got called out! I was crying in pain. The doctor had to leave so they called someone else.
While I was waiting for the new doctor to come, I was crying alot! It hurt so bad. I told the nurse that I wanted a c-section. I told her it hurt so bad that they were just going to have to kill me and take you because I couldn't stand the pain. She went and got the doctor whose name was ironically Ashlee Smith. Dr. Smith told me that she couldn't do a c-section just yet. She told me to hang tight for the new doctor to come to see if he could get the epidural in.
The new anesthesiologist came in and he got it on the first try.
After that, I was in much better shape! I am so glad that it worked. I don't know what I would have done otherwise because the pain was unbearable.
I stayed pretty comfortable until about 10 p.m. that night. I started having alot more pain. We had a nurse named Lynette at this point. Lynette took very good care of me and you!
Lynette stayed on the anesthesiologist to keep my medicine revved up so I wouldn't feel the pain. It hurt so bad. They had a monitor on your head and another on my stomach. It could tell me when the contractions were coming and going. I kept yelling for someone to tell me when they were coming and going. Kas and Daddy helped with that. I would go from screaming to sleeping and back and forth. I was so tired at this point. I had been in labor for about 15 hours at this point.
They told me to hang tight and that when I was 10 cenimeters, we would start pushing. In the meantime, the doctors and nurses kept checking with me. It was going to be a long night!
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